Price List
Why Cash for Service?
Why do you pay cash even if you have insurance? Because at Elevate, we want to provide quality care at a reasonable price. And we do that by cutting out the middle This is the reality when you seek care in most will not pay ALL costs associated with rehabilitation, especially when you have not met your deductible. There are co-pays, in- or out-of network fees, office fees, strict time restraints for service reimbursement, and the list goes on...
Here is a typical cost break down for patients after insurance discounts:
Insurance requires billing reimbursement in 15 minute increments
@ $50 per 15 minute unit; 30 min evaluation = $100 (NO treatment included!)
$100 per 15 minute unit for follow up treatment = $200 for 30 minutes of treatment
Is using insurance all that helpful in every situation? Think about these situations...
What if you are not ready to return to work and need more care than what insurance will allow?
What if you need to focus more on muscle endurance but insurance says you are out of sessions?
What if your job requires more than just simple range of motion...such as strength, speed, and power?
What if you need routine maintenance on your body movement?
What if you want to prevent injury?
Often times, insurance will not provide reimbursement for these situations outlined above.
Prices for Medical Service
All payments are due at the time of service.
You may request payment and service information to submit to your insurance. Elevate does not process insurance. If you want your insurance to compensate your cost, then you will need to file on your own behalf.
A sliding scale can be applied based on income for those that qualify*
Joint/Muscle Pain Management
Initial Evaluation (1hour max)...........................................................$100
Follow up treatment (30 min up to 1hr) ...........................................$75
Follow up treatment (up to 30 min)...................................................$55
If you have been suffering from chronic pain for months or the pain just started, we can help by taking a holistic approach to your ailment. Most therapists focus only on your area of pain, but we believe more is needed to resolve pain completely and for the long term. Your treatment will begin with an evaluation that includes one hour of patient to clinician interaction. During this time, we will discuss your problem, collect baseline data, and develop an action plan for next steps. Due to our extensive evaluation, your visit may or may not include an intervention. Our focus during this time is to get to know you and how we can help you.
Follow up treatments include manual therapy, mobility, and stability exercises. Treatments may also include electrophysical interventions such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, laser, etc. as technology becomes available. Objective testing will be conducted following treatments and/or periodically during the days/weeks following the initial evaluation.
Initial Evaluation (1hour max)........................................................$100
Follow up treatment (30 min up to 1hr).........................................$55
Follow up treatment (up to 30 min)................................................$35
Participation in PreHab can improve your ability to return to full activity following surgery. It is a great time to get stronger, address movement issues, and can help make surgery go smoothly. Evaluation includes one hour of patient to clinician interaction. Your problem will be discussed, baseline data will be gathered, and an action plan for next steps will be outlined. Your visit may or may not include an intervention. Our focus during this time is to get to know you and an understanding about how we can help. We will also ask that you give us HIPAA clearance so that we can discuss your condition and upcoming surgery with your physician(s). This will allow us to provide you with our best pre-operative plan to assist with your success following surgery.
Follow up treatments will include the collected baseline data, the physician’s input, and your insight to construct and implement a protocol that will respect your pain and dysfunction while improving your strength, stamina, and movement.
Return to Performance
Initial Evaluation (1hr max)...............................................................$100
Follow up treatment (30 min up to 1hr)...........................................$60
Follow up treatment (up to 30 min)..................................................$40
Getting you to returning to 'daily activities' following an injury is standard with most all clinicians. However, most of us require more physical stamina, capacity, strength, power than what 'daily activities' require. If you are an industrial athlete, weekend warrior, or just want to be ready for everyday life beyond the 'basic', this type of care is something to consider. Evaluation includes one hour of patient to clinician interaction. Your problem will be discussed, baseline data will be gathered, and an action plan for next steps will be outlined. In addition, we will discuss with you the differences between return to activity and return to performance. Your visit may or may not include an intervention. Our focus during this time is to get to know you and what you need help with. We will also ask that you give us HIPAA clearance so that we can discuss your condition and previous treatment(s) by physicians and therapists. This will allow us to provide you with our best plan to assist with your success following surgery.
Performance Package--$250/mo
Individualized Achievement Plan based on your goals
Regular feedback and assessment of Achievement Plan Progress
Priority Access to Elevate (evaluation of a new injury during training will be included; TREATMENT INCLUDED AT ADDITIONAL COST)
Up to 3 (three) Sessions, for 1 (one) hour each with Elevate during the month to:
a. Assess mobility and stability issues
b. Provide guidance on exercises for performance
All performance packages are non-refundable...
Online or phone communication is available for $75 per 1 (one) hour.
*A sliding scale based on household income can be applied to your total cost if you qualify. You must bring your most recent tax information to your first appointment. The deductions will be applied to the prices outlined above.
Sliding Scale Based on Family of 1 to 4
Household Income </= $30,000..........................................50% Deduction
Household Income $30,001 to 45,000................................30% Deduction
Household Income $45,001 to 58,000................................20% Deduction
**Professional Mentorship for healthcare providers is negotiable. This includes, but not limited to lectures on evidence based medicine, clinical research regarding clinical questions, facility operating system review, education program review, and wellness program review.